This new website is 4 years old

I've been working on this site for like 4 years. Had a simple start and revised to death. I decided I'm jumping in the deep end and doing it live.

I can't sit around and wait for perfection anymore. It's crippling. I can deal with what I've got. The ugly JS has been the main sticking point for me. Four years ago I designed this site and started building the front-end. I had used Jribbble on another site and decided to keep it even though it uses JQuery.

I wanted to modernize my JS before launching so I started diving into Postman and rewriting. The problem was that I coach youth wrestling and youth football and have 4 kiddos that I'm constantly running around supporting. My burnout rate it high outside of work.

So here we are 4/16/2022 and I'm just jumping off the cliff. No more waiting for perfection. I'm doing it.